Empower your team for reliable and 5X faster hiring
Robot Interview Ranked Profiles

It is difficult to find the applicant with the highest potential for the job when that applicant happens to be the 997th amongst 1000 applicants. With EvueMe Recruit, give equal opportunity and level playing field to all applicants and ensure near consistent ratings of applicants irrespective of who is assessing their digital interviews. And without doubt, make all stakeholders say “WOW, this selection process is so transparent !“
Traditional interview process involves scheduling a time for every applicant, first level of screening and assessment which takes an average of 45 min per applicant. With EvueMe Recruit combine all these steps into just one digital interview and assessment and reduce your time spend to just about 10 min on an average with enhanced quality. Skip full interviews without emotions by comparing and rating applicant responses on selected questions first. Accelerate screening time by 5X as the best talent are always in high demand. Don’t lose them to your competition.
Your recruiters and hiring managers time, is money. Reduce their time spent on scheduling and coordinating with multiple stakeholders, reduce the number of job interview rounds and number of applicants going through final face to face interactions by more than 50%. Give valuable time back to your recruiters and hiring managers to focus on strategic initiatives, invest time in high quality personal interactions with aplicants you are more certain to recruit and reduce your overall direct plus indirect cost by more than 50%.
Strike an emotional chord with the digital savvy Gen X and Gen Y applicants right at their first experience with cutting edge technology and your employer brand. Empower the 45%+ applicants who only want to interview beyond office hours by giving them flexibility of time, venue and device. Attract time pressured Top Talent who only want to leave office and come for a personal interview when they are 80%+ sure of the job.
Star rating are good. However, different positions require different rubrics. Choose desired competencies for each position, Build custom assessments for each interview, allowing your hiring managers and recruiters to assess applicants based on metrics relevant to that position. Take Guesswork out of generic rating systems
Traditionally recruitments are batch processing once vacancy is notified. With our Digital Selections, throw batch processing into oblivion. Make recruitments “Continuous Processing” process. Interview once and keep referring back. Turn the past into "Today" Tell your business managers, we are ready to meet any time challenge !